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John Trigger is one of the Characters in BATTLECREW Space Pirates.


  • Weapon: Plasma Rifle
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Nationality: American
  • Occupation: Pirate
  • Life goals: Become the world's greatest and most famous pirate who ever lived


Son of a famoous pirate who lost his fortune. John, living in sheer opulence, became obsessed by the idea of avenging his father. He became an apprentice of one of the most famous shooters of Tortuga. His number one goal is to become the most famous pirate in the galaxy.


Ability RocketLauncher Attack - Rocket Launcher[]

Powerful damage!!!

Ability MagneticClimb Move - Magnetic Climb[]

Can ride walls!

Ability Slomo Fury - Slomo[]

Slow all the enemies nearby.


Meet John Trigger[]