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Janger is one of the Characters in BATTLECREW Space Pirates.


  • Weapon: Electric Saber-cuff
  • Age: 33
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Animal
  • Nationality: English
  • Occupation: Pirate
  • Life goals: Crush everything that stands in the way


Janger is a young pirate who arrived recently on Orbital Tortuga. As a conscious animal, he struggled to constrain his animal instincts on Earth, his freedom and wild desires couldn't express themselves in all their excesses. Escape from planet Earth was the only way to unleash his wild instincts.


Ability EnergyShield Defense - Energy Shield[]

Protection from enemies' attacks.

Ability RoaringDash Move/Attack - Roaring Dash[]

Boost move hurts enemies.

Ability Berserk Fury - Berserk[]

Instant kill if touched.


Meet Janger[]